React Native Heroes

Anas Araid

I’m a multidisciplinary frontend developer based in Trento. Currently, I'm working at Belka, a digital product studio. In my spare time I like building things in React and React Native, cycling and volunteering.

  • Design systems in React Native: a storybook approach
Federica Vacca

I’m a software engineer at Belka, a digital product studio based in the Italian Alps. I develop websites and mobile apps using React and React Native. When I am not coding, you can find me cooking, overanalyzing things, or taking long walks.

  • Design systems in React Native: a storybook approach
Lorenzo Sciandra

Lorenzo Sciandra is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft; since 2018 he is also a maintainer of react-native, and he’s been a releaser since 0.57.4. He cares a lot about mental health and open source, and won’t stop talking about either.

  • The work that you don’t see
  • ROUNDTABLE - New React Native architecture
Lorenzo Spinelli

Lorenzo is a full-stack web3 developer and mentor at He spends his days writing code, helping others, and learning new things. In his spare time, he is involved in the community of which he is a co-founder. He really likes to learn new things and tell others about them. He is an enthusiastic web3, blockchain, smart contract developer, and Polygon blockchain advocate.

  • React patterns
  • ROUNDTABLE - New React Native architecture
Michał Czernek

Mobile developer for 10 years. Started in Android when Gradle was not even a thing in ecosystem.
Moved to React Native and fell in love with it.
Ex Expo contributor.
Software Mansion employee.

  • Gradle and Cocoapods 101 for RN developers
Mirko Quaglia

I’m a react native developer at Synesthesia, I joined this ship in 2020 and since then I’ve been developing apps using this framework.
When I’m not pushing commits you can find me playing video games, moving weights at the gym or hanging out with friends.

  • React Native and Web3: blockchain capabilities
Simone Carazzai

I'm a React Native developer at Accenture based in Milano. In my spare time I like to travel and discover new cultures.

  • From webview to React Native
Tomáš Soukal

Mobile Security Consultant and Pentester during the day. Dancing at night.

  • How to hack & protect mobile apps
Tomasz Sapeta

I work at Software Mansion as the Tech Lead of the Expo SDK team. The author of the presented Expo Modules API and the maintainer of many Expo SDK packages.

  • Can native modules be easy?
  • ROUNDTABLE - New React Native architecture
Umberto Lanno

I'm a React Native Tech Lead at Synesthesia since 2018, constantly striving to enhance applications in an ongoing pursuit of excellence.

  • React Native and Web3: blockchain capabilities
  • ROUNDTABLE - New React Native architecture
Umberto Pepato

Freelance Full Stack Engineer with a passion for developer-oriented UX design. TypeScript enthusiast, Open Source maintainer, always on the quest for the best modern web solutions.

  • Politecnico di Torino: React Native and open source in the public sector